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Barbara Adams
Richard Alexander
Adoria Allen (Talley)
Lena Allen
Lula Anderson
James Armstrong
Billy Arnold
James Ashford
Jerome Bailey
Joan Ballard (Woods)
Donald Barksdale
Yolanda Barnett
Herbert Bass
Tyrone Battles
Delone Baylis
India Bell (Benjamin)
Brenda Belton (Thomas)
Willis Belton
Linda Berry (Scott)
Richard Berry
Patricia Bettis (Brandon)
Caolyn Bilups
Eugene Blaine
Ned Blair
Lynnette Booker
Marcia Bowman (Hunt)
George Boyd
Sheryl Boykins
Marva Brewer (Jackson)
William Brewer
Elbert Brice
Cora Briggs
Tommy Brockington
Francis Brown (Patterson)
James Brown
Janet Brown (Flowers)
Leon Brown
Lewis Brown
Shirley Brown
Walter Brown
Vicky Brummall (Washington)
Gerald Bulley
Janet Burns (Bailey)
Justine Burton
Lee Arthur Byers
Ardena Calloway (Sowell)
Geraldine Calloway (McDonald)
Leslie Calvin
Reginal Calvin
Raymond Campbell
Cecil Carroll
Joy Carroll
Will Carroll
Mary Francis Carter
Candace Caruthers (Morrow)
Darryl Charlton
LaVern Christian (Lawrie)
Ethel Clagget
Anthony Clark
Kenneth Clark
Rebecca Clark (Bradley)
Willie Claybourn
Dianetta Coates (Nicholson)
Karen Coleman (Barnett)
Deborah Collidge
Adell Collins
LaVera Collins (Jones Divo…)
Toni Collins
John Cook
William Cowan
Bernadette Crudup
Sylvester Crudup
Burnell E. Davis
Darthell Davis
John (Mack Jr. ) Davis
Sharon Davis
Vernon Dawson
Cora Dean
Beverly DePriest (Santos)
Joan DePriest (Moody)
Barney Dixon
Gracie Dixon
Kathleen Dixon (Marshall)
Robert Dodd
Keith Donald
James Donaldson
Sharon Donnell (Johnson)
Dennis Dotson
James Douglas
Lois Douglas
Ernest Downs
Norma Durham (Roland)
Donna Easterwood (Carroll)
Harry Edwards
Gerald Ellison
Lester Ervin
Daniel Estell
Marvina Estell (Jackson)
Michael Everett
Rosalind Favors (Wise)
Brenda Fennell (Buckner)
Sue Carol Fields
Booker Finley
Calvin Flemmings
Claude Floyd
Clyde Floyd
Helen Foreman (Diggs)
Terrell Forte
Cecelia Forture (Rhynes)
Kenneth Fouse
Jennie Francis
Nathaniel Freeman
Gregory Freese (Mishkat A…)
Fernando Gaitan
Irene Gant
Cathy Garlington (McCluney)
Joyce Garlington (Williams)
Raythan Garlington
Dorothy Garrett (Reed)
Billy Gatson
Jacquelyn Genchan
Donzell Germany
Jerry Givan
George Gladney
Patricia Goldston (Braxton)
Dorothy Goodwin (Mitchell)
Thomas Gordon (Gordon)
Winston Grady
Stanley Grant
Leola Green
Hugh Hamilton
Judy Hams (Easterwood)
Hazel Hardin
Myrtis Harris (Yarber)
Sharon Harris
Warren Harris
Willie Harris
Charles Harrison
Norma Hart
Dwight Hatchett
Carolyn Hawkins (Looney)
Yvonne Hawkins (Beaty)
Ruthie Hayes (Williams)
Katheryn Heath
John Heggie
Sarah Heggie
Herman Wendell Hercey
Deltheia Herman (Lowry)
Delores Herring
Barbara Hert (Burgin)
Ronnie Hervey
Michael Hickman
Bertha Hicks (Drake)
Dorothy Hicks
Rosie Hill
Sharon Hill (Amadi)
Hosie Hogan
Joyce Lorraine Holley (Foster)
Marian Hollinshed
Robert Hudson
Harry Hughes
Helen Hughes (Wyatt)
Eddie Hunter
Jay Cee Hunter
Christina Huntley (Smith)
Lloyd Hyler
Judy Irvin
Lester Irvin
Anthony Jackson
Beatrice Jackson
Doris Jackson
Earnestine Jackson
Karen Jackson (Byers)
Lorraine Jackson
Tecennia Jackson
Terry Jackson
William Marvin Jackson
Ann Jeans
Annie Johnson (Byrd)
Beverly Johnson
Charles Johnson
Crecia Johnson (Andrews)
Glenda Johnson
Helen Johnson (Wesley)
Irene Johnson
Kenneth Johnson
Stella Johnson
Vernard Johnson
Brenda C Jones
Brenda E Jones (Anderson)
Carla Jones
Debra Jones (Norman)
Donald Charles Jones
Linda Jones
Marvin Jones
Michael Jones
Phylis Jones
Rodney Jones
Howard Kelley
Reginald Kelsey
Charlene Kennedy
Gregory King
Preston Knox
Sidney Kye
Paul Lewis
Sondra Lewis (Diggs)
Vernon Lewis
Harriet Loney (Caruthers)
Jerry Looney
Rubin Love
Raymond Madden
Margaret Maddox
Rilla Madison
Doyle Manning
Ray Manning
Rayford Manning
Raymond Manning
Charlotte Marshall
Evelyn Martin
Linda Martin
Joanne Mathews (Peacock)
Marvin McAnderson
Amos McCluney
Edward McCord
Alvin McCoy
Brenda McCoy (Fox)
Jonell McCreary
Annie McCruel
Michael McCurry
Nathaniel McElroy
John McIntosh
George McKelvy
Rosalind McKinney (Gregory)
Nellie McKinzy (Moore)
Jozella McMahan
James Meador
Carolyn Miles (Barksdale)
Merle Miller
Donald Mitchell
Paul Mobiley
Tommy Molden
Helen Mondaine
Veda Monday
Imogene Mongomery
Brenda Moore (Judon)
Carl Moore
Cherly Moore
Delbert Waters Moore
Donnell Moore
Dorothy Moore (Bly)
Geraldine Moore (Moore)
Joyce Moore (Berry)
Peggy Moore
Stanley Muldrew
Dennis Murphy
Georgia Murphy
Robert Earl Nance
Sondra Nelson
Lylene Newman
William Newman
Henriette Newton
Wanda Newton
Mary Nichols
Betty Nickens
Buford Norman
Arelia Norwood
Wilda Oliver
Johnnie Mae O'Neal
Cynthia Owens (Smith)
Jacquelyn Owens (Torain)
LaVerne Owens (Cady)
Sandra Owens
Brenda Paige (Spearman)
Ronald Palmer
Yvette Parks (Ezell)
Carlos Patterson
Rose Payne (Montgomery)
Paul Peavy
Phillip Peavy
Donald Peghee
Luther Peghee
Phylis Pender (Edwards)
LaDora Pilcher (Murphy-Lattimore)
Flora Poke
Joan Powell (Johnson)
Phyllis Preuitt (Brown)
Lester Purvis
Madella Reed (Henderson)
Shirley Reese
Marlene Register (Jones)
Cathy Richardson (Anderson)
Samuel Ridginal
Roger Carl Riley
Juanita Roberts
Joan Rogers (Almond)
James Roland
Loretta Ruffin
John Sanders
Lester Sayles
Nolan Sayles
Alexander Scott
Maxine Scott
Tommie Scott
Melvin Sewell
Urania Sewell
Reginald Shields
Stephen R. Sills
Lois Simons (Lewis)
Patricia Sims (Wash)
Rita Sims
Patricia Singleton
Arthur Smith
James Smith
Larry Smith
Linda Smith (Swayzer)
Michael Smith
Ruby Smith (Rice)
Tyrone Smith
Wayne Smith
Helen Springer
Clearlis Starr
Wilbert Stevenson
Linda Stuart
Harold Sullivan
Leroy Sullivan
Mary Sullivan (Cannon)
Patrick Suttington
Eleanor Swain (Smith)
Elliott Swain
Captola Taylor (Harris)
Gladys Taylor (McPhuall)
Jackie Taylor (Reed)
Jewell Taylor (Carter)
Patsy Taylor
Verdia Taylor (White)
Elnora Q Tellis (Jefferson)
Lela Terry
Merita Thomas
Joseph Thompson
Darryl Tiller
Louis Tilman
Delores Todd (Warren)
Howard Townsend
Barbara Turner (Campbell)
Thomasa Turner
Robert Van Ross
Sedalia Wagner (Turner)
Michael Wake
Joyce Walker
Peggy Walker (Freeman)
Jeanette Walton
Tyrone Ware
Lester Warner
Carolyn Warrior (Smith)
Paul Waters
Isaac Watson
Charlene Weatherspoon (Smith)
Betty Weston
Janice Whitcomb (Russell)
Robert White
William White
Thelma Whitehead (Todd)
Diane Whitlock (White)
Bobbie Williams (Horton)
Bobby Williams
Chester Williams
Deidre Williams (Walton)
Dorothy Williams
Earle Williams
Gloria Williams (Wiley)
Huest Williams
Jacquelyn Williams (Roe)
Lewis Williams
Minnie Williams (Estell)
Nathaniel Williams
Rosezell Williams
Vincent Williams
Eddie Wilson
Shirley Wilson (Davis)
Marsha Winn (Self)
Mary Womack
Leo Wright
Regina Wright (Huddleston)
Gerald Yates
Lucion Young
Marvin Young
Waynell Young
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